Searching in Bible

As a matter of fact there are several ways how to search in.

Verse search

Searching - according to me - the simplest - you'll read the verse, behind which there maybe will be a link, you'll click on it and reference verse will appear. Indeed, a disadvantage is that you will not find the exact verse you want (only that one that I'll offer you).

If you know what you search, f.e. Mark 16-th chapter, 15-th verse, you have nearly won, thus as far as you learn a certain discipline.
Marking of verses is located directly at the beginning of each verse. Syntax is such that verse is marked by Book, f.e. Mark or Mk, followed by a dot, followed by chapter number, dot and verse number. In our example i.e. Mark.16.15 (for Kralicka and King James) or Mk.16.15 (for Ekumenicka).

In that record there hadn't had to be any spaces. Indeed, nothing should be simple and Bible contains books which name begins by number (followed by Roman numeral in Kralicka or by Arabic numeral in Ekumenicka or in King James). Behind the number unfortunately could often be a space, f.e. I Jan., 1 J. and 1 John.

I must point out that in the following it is possible to search only in syntax of Kralicka Bible. I choosed Kralicka Bible because of it is most readable (in Czech) - though I hope so - and her shortcuts are best-known and throughout more intuitive. Really I'm not able to make links to reference in Ekumenicka and King James manner too - you mustn't really trouble about it.
If you see the Books list, you'll see also a shortcut behind every book name in first (Kralicka)column. This shortcut you'll use for generating of specific verse address.
F.e. I want again search Mark 16.15, the shortcut is: Mark.16.15. Notice now - you-ll probably search when you're in biblical text and above in field "Address" is written: "" (w/o quotation marks). You'll click on the end behind .htm and you'll ascribe your shortcut before which you'll place "#" (# is on US keyboard by contemporary pressing of "Shift" and "3" (w/o quotation marks)).

Complete address should look like: Then you'll press Enter and desired verse should be found.
If it won't be found and above in window you'll see beginning of John's Gospel then I probably didn't include the verse into selection. Whether you want it being included in selection you'll have to write me. If there in upper window border will appear verse close to desired (but not exact that one), try to go one step back (browser uses for step back an arrow (green or blue color) direction left above in control panel, if you point on it a bubble with "Back" appears) and repeat operation. I don't know why but usually for the second time browser jumps where it has to jump.
As I've already premised, in that address mustn't be any spaces. What if address contains them? In such case it's a "jam". But try to not write space, address f.e. will be "I Sam.10.11" but you'll write ISam.10.11. Keep also please Capitals only where they have to be, it may be critical for good searching results.

That address - that whole row you can there use for citeing in your e-mails - if you'll mention some verse that I have included in my selection, it's not needed to copy it out, but copy only it's address starting by "http:" and finishing f.e. by #Mark.16.15. Receiver of your mail will see that address row underlined and if he click on it and if he's connected to internet, he'll will see whole selected verse on screen (his browser will jump to my page to selected verse).


If you (probably rightly) seems to be too complicated procedure then try to use maybe easier way - by synchronous press of Ctrl and F there appear searching window into which you'll type exactly the text you search including f.e. spaces. F.e. "The Book of Joshua" or "1 Sam." (w/o quotation marks). Easier? Indeed you'll never send such link in e-mail to anyone, unless you'll exactly instruct him how to get to my pages, what to search there and how.

Book search

Well not to remember, very effective way is to jump to Books list (you'll find it on any book end) and to go to beginning of desired book (thus not directly to desired verse - but it doesn't matter too much, in only one book you'll find the verse quite simply (by listing using f.e. Up, Down, Page Up, Page Down)). In Books list you also immediately see which books are presented by at least one verse (that linked ones - black colored that changes to white one when mouse goes over it), others listed there has no verse included in selection so it's useless to grasp to find non-existing verse by all means.


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