Lesson 1: Jesus

1/12 - » Lesson 2: Gospel »

Who is Jesus?

Gen.1.26, Gen.3.22 - co-creater of a Man - the Lord (God Father) didn't create Himself but in the triad. Jesus didn't start existing in a year of His birth on Earth (year 0) but He was existing already at World and Man creation
Eph.3.9 - God created by Jesus
Prov.3.19 - Jesus is Wisdom

Jesus Christ is God's Son

John.3.16 - God sacrificed His only Son because of saving people - the most important verse in the New Testament
1 John.4.15 - God loves those who are confessing Jesus as Son of God

Jesus Christ is God

John.1.1 - Jesus is the Word, the Word is God
John.1.14 - Word became a man
John.20.26-29 - faithless Thomas has believed that Jesus is the Lord and God
Col.2.8-10 - there is a fulness of the Godhead bodily in Jesus
Isa.9.6 - Jesus is mighty and everlasting God
Gen.1.1-2 - in the beginning there was God
John.15.26 - Ghost testifies of Jesus
John.17.5, John.17.24 - Jesus existed before world foundation
John.8.58 - Jesus existed before Abraham
Hebr.13.8 - Jesus is the same all over the history
John.8.19, John.10.30, John.16.12-15 - Jesus is the same as Father
John.10.38 - Jesus is in Father and Father is in Jesus
Matt.26.63nn, 1 Peter.3.21-22 - Jesus is in heaven on the right hand of God
John.5.20-26 - Father loves Son and gave him all judgement over people
Matt.9.6 - Jesus have power to forgive sins
Matt.11.25-27 - the truth is hidden from the wise and nobody knows Father like Jesus does
Matt.28.19-20 - baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost
Mark.3.28-29 - a blasphemy against the Holy Ghost will never be forgiven
1 John.5.5-8 - three that bear witness in heaven - Father, the World and the Holy Ghost
John.14.6-11 - Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life

Jesus Christ was born by a virgin and birthed by Holy Ghost

Isa.7.14 - prophet Isaiah foretold the rise of Jesus Christ 700 years before His birth
Luke.1.30-38 - an Angel visited Mary and reveal her God's will. It is important that Mary agreed with it - she also had a chance to refuse
Matt.1.18-21 - an Angel wisited also Joseph, husband of Mary
Philip.2.8 - Jesus became a man because of saving people and let sacrifice Himself humbly

Jesus Christ made miracles

Luke.4.18 - he preached and cured
Acts.10.38 - as a man He was common but God anointed Him by Holy Ghost to be able to exorcise devil and to heal the diseases
John.20.31 - miracles were done to prove that He is the Son of God and the Christ (saviour)

Jesus Christ saved people by His death

John.3.17 - Jesus was sent to the World because of saving people
Isa.55.11 - Jesus (Word) was sent by God
Isa.53.4-7 - Jesus took humbly on Himself the sins (diseases) of people
Rom.6.23 - penalty for sin is death
Matt.26.26-28 - His blood washes away sins
Rom.5.8 - Jesus died for sinners

Jesus Christ rised from the dead

Luke.24.46 - Jesus proved prophecies about His risingfrom the dead
Acts.2.31 - The Death has no rule over Jesus
1 Peter.4.6 - Jesus was in hell to preach gospel to the dead
John.10.9 - saving is done by Jesus
2 Cor.4.14 - God raised Jesus, He will raise also us
Rom.10.9-10 - a guide for saving: to believe and to confess Jesus in face of people
Rom.10.12 - Jesus offers salvation to all people no matter of race or religion
Hebr.13.8 - Jesus doesn't change and can heal and make the miracles also today

Jesus Christ was the second Adam setting right his failure

Gen.1.27 - a Man was created in the image of God
Rom.5.12 - first man trespassed hence also all his offspring and they deserve death
Rom.5.15-19 - such as Adam brought sin to people, thus Jesus brought the grace
1 Cor.15.45-49 - first man was from the earth, second man was from Heaven
1 Tim.2.5 - Jesus is the only one mediator between God and people

Jesus Christ is sitting at the right hand of God and is interceding for us

Mark.16.19 - Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God (right hand is the most honourable position at the ruler)
Rom.8.34 - Jesus is interceding for us
Eph.1.20-22 - Jesus rules everything

Jesus Christ will come again

Acts.1.9-11 - Jesus will come same way as he left
John.14.1-3 - Jesus prepares place in Heaven for people
1 Thes.4.16-17 - Jesus will come and take away the dead to Heaven and then also alive Christians ("exaltation")
Rev.22.12 - Jesus will come soon and will judge people

Jesus Christ will come to judge people

Matt.16.27 - Jesus will reward to the people according of their acts
Mark.16.16 - that who believes will be saved
John.5.22-24 - God doesn't judge anybody, He left all judgement to Jesus

1/12 - » Lesson 2: Gospel »


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