Lesson 3: Repentance

« Lesson 2: Gospel « - 3/12 - » Lesson 4: Borning again »

What is the repentance?

If a man wanted to be saved, he must make a repentance. Repentance is a profession of own sins - also of those least.
There is no man without sinning anytime (f.e. pride, hate, envy, lie, theft) that wouldn't need a repentance.

Luke.24.46-47 - Jesus suffered for our sins but we can accept salvation only if we profess our sins

Parable about wasteful son

Luke.15.11-32 - parable about a chance how can our sins be forgiven
   Luke.15.11-12 - wasteful son wanted the inheritance prematurely (a man commit a sin)
   Luke.15.13-16 - he quickly wasted money and suffered from hunger (the sin didn't bring him satisfaction)
   Luke.15.17-19 - he made repentance - decided to change himself (he confessed sincerely his sin and pleaded God to forgive him
   Luke.15.20-21 - although he shied, he did change that (he turned away forever from his sin)
   Luke.15.22-24 - father returned him his original position (God forgave him - he wiped out his sins)
   Luke.15.25-30 - brother of sinner seemed that father's behaviour was unfair
   Luke.15.31-32 - but God loves and accepts also sinners that doesn't deserve His favour

Conversion of money-lender Zacchaeus

Luke.19.2-8 ("I give to poor and I restore to tricked" means: "I will give to poor and I will restore to tricked" - promise of remedy of his sins)

John.8.44 - people are sinful and follows the devil
Acts.2.40 - untoward generation are rather two-faced Christians (those that know the truth, but they don't follow it) than "pagans"
John.12.47 - Jesus didn't come to judge but to save
Acts.16.31 - believe in Jesus and you and your family will be saved
John.8.12 - Jesus is a light of life
Rom.2.4 - don't despise of God's toleration
Matt.5.44 - love your enemies and pray for them
Eph.4.26 - forgive
2 Cor.6.14-18 - a Christian cannot continue in his sins and worship to idols (an idol should be beside an oriental statuette to which a man prays - also f.e. money, career, sex a.s.o. - everything what man one way or another serves to, or what enslaves him)
Prov.8.13 - a cleansed man must avoid of sin
Acts.19.18-19 - godward sinners that dealed with vain arts (thus all "supernatural abilities" - augury, ghost evocations, occultism) should fully separate from their habits and all their objects used for their vain activities (book of magic formulas, crystal bowls a.s.o.) should be destroyed (not to sell, nor to give, nor to hide).
Matt.3.2; Matt.4.17 - make a repentance because Heaven Kingdom came near
Luke.13.3 - that who doesn't make repentance will die in his sin
1 John.1.9 - God forgives to that who repents from his sins
Mic.7.18-19 - once forgiven sins are put to "sea depths" - thus forgotten completely

« Lesson 2: Gospel « - 3/12 - » Lesson 4: Borning again »


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