Lesson 4: Borning-again

« Lesson 3: Repentance « - 4/12 - » Lesson 5: Baptism »

What is borning again?

A man consists from the body (flesh, bones), soul (thoughts, intelect, feelings, senses) and spirit - a spiritual man.
Human spirit belongs to God and has same properties as God has - he can't stand sin. Because of sin the spirit dies and man is then "empty" inside. In such state he cannot go to God after his death.
When man confess his sins truly, Jesus wipes out sins from the man and borns-again him. Borning again is a recreation of spirit in the man and man is then "complete" and saved.

Gen.2.7 - God gave spirit to a man at the creation
2 Cor.5.17 - a new spirit creation
John.3.1-8 - Nicodemus
John.1.12 - God's sons from God's will
Gal.4.6-7 - son, thus inheritor
Ezek.36.26-27 - a new heart and a new spirit
Gal.2.20 - crucified with Christ
Rom.10.9-10 - to believe by heart and confess by mouth
John.4.14 - living water

« Lesson 3: Repentance « - 4/12 - » Lesson 5: Baptism »


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