Lesson 6: Holy Ghost

« Lesson 5: Baptism « - 6/12 - » Lesson 7: Prayer »

Who is the Holy Ghost?

Gen.1.2 - Ghost already existed before the World creation
John.14.26 - Ghost was sent after Ascension of Jesus and He helps to people
Gal.5.18-22 - Ghost overcomes the Law
II Kor.3.17 - God is the Ghost
Luke.3.21-22 - Holy Ghost descended on Jesus after His baptism
Rom.14.17 - kingdom of God is the Holy Ghost
1 Cor.12.1-13 - gifts of the Ghost
Rom.5.5 - Ghost brings the love of God
John.14.16-17 - Ghost comforts
Acts.2.17-18 - Ghost gives prophecies
Acts.4.31 - Ghost leads to enouncement of the word of God
Luke.12.11-12 - don't be afraid of wilfulness of powerfuls, Ghost will lead you
Rom.8.26-27 - Ghost strenghtens us and advocates for us all the time
1 Cor.2.10-15 - Ghost reveals the most hidden spiritual things
Eph.4.30 - don't sadden the Ghost
Mark.3.28-29 - blasphemy to the Holy Ghost is unforgivable
Rev.22.17 - Ghost invites to eternal life

« Lesson 5: Baptism « - 6/12 - » Lesson 7: Prayer »


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