Lesson 11: Love to people

« Lesson 10: Love to God « - 11/12 - » Lesson 12: goulash »

What is the love to people?

For me it is the stumbling block that I break my great toe about. I don't believe to people because I have bad experiences with them.
I'm afraid of people, I don't expect anything good from them. As more as I know people the more I prefer animal.
I'm overstraining, I'm not misanthrope, I've been doing exceptions often, I like my friends and I believe to them.
However I have a problem to approach positively to strange people, I can't open my heart too much, I'm trying to improve myself - but - still there is something.
I pretend you are or you will be different.
A man should help to the weakers (also in faith). But he will never help truly if he will not love that "weak". In order to love the other, he must love also himself (gah). To love myself doesn't mean an egoism - but man should not discount himself, dispraise himself, criticise himself, he should be able to recognise his good sides, admire himselves for done job a.s.o. (I know that it's easy to say). In one movie they recommended to sing daily a song: I'm so pretty, so pretty am I. (in my version: I have a jaw but it is jaw of mine, I will never have better, so I should already do with it).

Matt.22.39-40 - love your neighbour
Rom.5.5 - love is given by the Holy Ghost
John.13.5 - Jesus clean legs of his followers to give us an example of the big helping the small

Love to brothers (Christians, neighbour people)

John.13.34-35 - love your brother because also Jesus loves you
1 John.4.7-8 - love your brother because God is love
1 John.4.20-21 - that who hates his brother that doesn't know God
1 John.3.14-18 - that whodoesn't love that hates and cannot be saved
1 Cor.8.13 - a man shouldn't act that way that scandalize his neighbour
Matt.18.20 - Jesus visits common congregations

Love to foreign people (testimony, evangelization)

(as I have substantial pool in this area, I'm trying to improve myself - perhaps by writing this section, so I'm interposing some informations in form that I myself would accept it. Definitely it is for me (and not only for me) more acceptable than to ring to your door decently dressed waving with Bible and shouting flamy statements with flaming sight - Watch Tower never excited me
John.3.16 - man has a chance to live forever - and everybody has duty to mess it to those who doesn't know it
Matt.5.43-48 - love your enemies - by this you'll diversify from sinners
Mark.16.15-16 - enounce gospel to the all - that who will believe that will be saved
Matt.10.7-8 - enounce and use your gifts

« Lesson 10: Love to God « - 11/12 - » Lesson 12: goulash »


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