Lesson 12: goulash, ...thus what didn't fit elsewhere
Israeli family
Egyptian disasters
Ten Commandments
Armour of God
What have I read when...
Where do I find quickly
Important chapters in the New Testament
For meditation
Israeli family
Abraham (Abram) - was selected by God
Ishmahel - son of Abraham and of slave-girl Hagar - father of Sons of desert - Arabs
Isaac - son of Abraham and of his wife Sarah
Esau - son of Isaac and of his wife Rebekah - father of Edoms
Jacob (Israel) - son of Isaac and of his wife Rebekah - father of Israelites
Sons of Jacob:
with his wife Leah:
1. Reuben
2. Simeon
3. Levi
4. Judah
5. Issachar
6. Zebulun
with Rachel's maid Bilhah:
7. Dan
8. Naphtali
with Leah's maid Zilpah:
9. Gad
10. Asher
with his wife Rachel:
11. Joseph - at land dividing Joseph got 2 parts according his sons - Ephraim and Mannaseh.
On the contrary Levi didn't get any territory but he as a "clerical" clan lived in territories of his brothers. That way still remained the number of 12 clans.
12. Benjamin
Firstborn son was Reuben and because of it he could receive the main part of inheritance.
But he sinned by sleeping with Jacob's maid (concubine) Bilhah, he was deprived of his birthright and the birthright descended to the firstborn son of second Jacob's wife Rachel - to Joseph
thereupon on his son Ephraim.
Nor other Leah's sons got any special blessing. Simeon and Levi killed all Sichem's man for forcing Leah's daughter Dinah. Simeon had uncertain territory that extincted with time.
Centre of Israel before his division was Judah's territory Jewry, in the beginning of Kings era with capitol Jerusalem.
After country division on Judah (with Benjamin) and Israel (10 remaining clans) was the centre of Israel Ephraim.
Israeli nation was in slavery in Egypt 400 years in between about 1800 and 1400 before Christ.
God selected Moses (
Exod.3.2-14) that should take Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land - Land of Canaan.
Pharaoh didn't want to let Israelites go - so God made miracles through Moses: He gave him power to change a stick to a snake and also to change his hand to leprous one and back
Exod.4.1-8). But still pharaoh didn't want to step back so the ten disasters happen after which were Israelites letting go:
Egyptian disasters
1. water in Nile was turned to blood (
2. frogs from Nile came up and covered to all the Egypt (
3. from all dust became lice (
4. in the air appeared swarm of flies (
5. all Egyptian cattle died (
6. ashes sticked on people and changed to sores (
7. harvest was battered by hailstorm (
8. the rest of plants was eaten by locusts (
9. there was an inpenetrable darkness for three days (
Exod.10.22) - adumbration of Jesus's death - after crucification came in the noon
darkness (for three hours), Jesus was in dark grave for three days (crucified on Friday, rised from the dead on Sunday)
10. all firstborn Egyptian children and cattle died (
Exod.12.29) - Israelites were sacrificing all firstborn to God - animals were killed on fire-altar.
children were dedicated to serving to God. Also Jesus was "the firstborn Son of God" - and he was sacrificed
In the night before leaving the Egypt Israelites ate the lambs - they spreaded their blood on their doors and the Death then saw only Egyptians that didn't have their door blooded.
A lamb symbolized future Jesus - the one who will save people by His death and blood - f.e. lamb's bones mustn't be broken (
Exod.12.46) - and also Jesus had
none of his bone after crucification broken (
That night was called as a Great Night (Eastern). After more than 1000 years on Eastern Jesus died and rised from the dead. That day was also celebrated as a feast of
passover - because of eating millet unfermented breads, that they for God's command ate with lamb (and today we eat lamb-shape cake on Eastern -
to memorize that lamb).
Moses originated from the clan of Levi, to which was lately pristhood given because of Moses - serving in the temple, sacrifying of animals a.s.o.
From the clan Judah has also come the first (second) king of Israel - David and his son Solomon that built up the First Temple.
The Temple was divided to the foyer and the sanctuary.
In the sanctuary there after curtain was situated Tabernacle containing two stony plates of the Law that Moses brought from God from the mountain Sinai (on Sinai peninsula in Egypt).
There were Ten Commandments written by God's finger on the plates. Behind the curtain could only enter especially dedicated priests, there couldn't enter people having any sin -
those were immediatelly killed by God's fire.
It is said that even entering priests had a bended loop of rope on their legs, because nobody was absolutely sure by his own sanctity - and if death at the Tabernacle happen - to have some
chance how to get dead body out of the sanctuary.
Ten Commandments
1. in one God you will believe (
2. you'll not make an idol (
Exod.20.4) - this commandment was somehow "forgotten" - it would be incompatible with richly decorated churches
with a plenty of statues which are people praying to
3. you'll not take God's name in vain (
Exod.20.7) - f.e. unawares used interjections like JesusMaria(Joseph), Jesus Christ, Lord, golly, Heaven,
but also To hell, damned, devil a.s.o. - in fact it concerns to all the bad language and names
4. mind to celebrate the feasts (
Exod.20.8) - Bible speaks directly about Saturday that beside of Jews receives also some Protestant Christians -
f.e. Seventh Day Adventist Church, the most Christians - mainly Catholics receives Sunday as a holy day, because on Sunday rising Jesus from the dead took place (Eastern Sunday).
5. honour your father and your mother (
6. you'll not kill (
7. you'll not fornicate (
Exod.20.14) - it concerns also of matrimonial faithful and also of premarital sex
8. you'll not steal (
9. you'll not speak false witness (
Exod.20.16) - f.e. also lying
10. you'll not ask of property of your neigbour (
Exod.20.17) - i.e. enviousness, hate, trickery as.o.
3 Israeli clans placed behind river Jordan (in Jordan and Syria) - Reuben, Gad and a half of Mannaseh were after Israel division after some time conquered by Syria.
Later was also Israel conquered by Assyria and Israeli inhabitants were moved deep to Asia - into today's Iran.
Finally in 587 before Christ was also Jewry, Jerusalem and the Temple of God (so called the First temple) conquered and inhabitants were moved into Babylonia (in Iraq/Iran).
70 years later when Babylonia was conquered by Persia were Jews that were taken from Jewry approved to return to their homeland and to rebuild the Temple (Second Temple) in Jerusalem.
Jews then lived in Jewry, northern parts were called Samaria and Gallilee - where also lived non-jewish inhabitants - f.e. Samaritan, by which Jews despised (see parable
about merciful samaritan).
From the clan Judah also Jesus came that was forespoken in prophecies. In the Old Testament there was perhaps 1000 prophecies that were fulfiled by Jesus's coming and his life.
In the moment when Jesus was crucified and he died,
the Temple curtain, separating foyer, where could enter almost anybody, from sanctuary,
where could only dedicated priests enter, riped itself.
By that the power of the Law was symbolically violated and it was replaced by God's mercy. Now "everybody could enter the sanctuary".
Blessed are people:
Matt.5.3 - humble
Matt.5.4 - crying
Matt.5.5 - silent (those who doesn't speak much)
Matt.5.6 - righteous
Matt.5.7 - merciful
Matt.5.8 - honest
Matt.5.9 - peaceful (not raging)
Matt.5.10 - unjustly persecuted
Matt.5.11 - persecuted because of Jesus's sake
Armour of God or equipment againts devil's temptation:
Eph.6.14 - truth, rightness
Eph.6.15 - gospel of peace
Eph.6.16 - faith
Eph.6.17 - salvation, word of God
Eph.6.18 - prayer in the Spirit
What have I read when...:
Where do I find quickly:
Important chapters in the New Testament:
For meditation: